Location: Minneapolis, MN

Single mother of three girls - one biological (via IVF) and two adopted.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Life goes on...

This is my first post. I've been reading other people's blogs for a while, and finally decided to give it a shot myself!

Yesterday, I made a momentous decision. After nearly 6 years of working 80% (fridays off), I am starting back to work fulltime next month. My youngest will be starting all day kindergarten, and so my justification for staying home is leaving. I am not very happy about having to do this, but my pocket book it telling me I just don't have a choice. On top of it, I also got notification that my eldest made the gymnastics team she was trying out for all summer. That will set us back $95/month. WAY beyond anything I expected. Actually, that is what finally convinced me that I HAD to do this. It is the thing she excells the most at, and I couldn't see making her give it up just so I could have an extra day at home.


Blogger I n g e r said...

Yay! You did it!! Welcome to the team, Erin.

Don't know whether to congratulate or commiserate about the full-time work; I'm thinking about switching to another job that would be the same thing--a bit change from the work-at-home gig I get to do most of the time. One thing I know: we're more adaptable than we imagine we are, and won't it be a relief to have a little more cash in the wallet!

I'll bookmark you and check back!


6:40 PM  

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