Location: Minneapolis, MN

Single mother of three girls - one biological (via IVF) and two adopted.

Monday, August 21, 2006

I am constantly surprised by Life's little reminders. I spent most of this morning at work having a private little pity party. It being the monday after payday, I was looking at paying bills -- only to realize that this check didn't even cover ones I'd already written. And I still have other bills (including a credit card) due this pay period. I was very depressed and sat sulking in my office.

Just a few minutes ago, I was walking in the hallway, and came across a co-worker just back from bereavement leave. After two years of a slow and debilitating illness, her father suddenly (yet not so) passed away. After talking to her about how things went, I realized that my money issues were just that. Money. It wasn't health or life or family. It was that evil little necessity. And while I am still not happy with my situation, I am glad to go home to my parents tonight and be able to give them both big hugs.


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