Little girls....
Sometimes I can really relate to Miss Hannigan's "Little girls, little girls, everywhere I turn I can see them!" However, yesterday all three girls took off to spend an extended weekend with their grandparents at the cabin (5 hours north!). I was really looking forward to the time alone. I have company coming at the end of next week, and now I have a weekend to myself to REALLY clean house. Instead, I keep finding events I want to take the girls to, or a cd I hadn't listened to in a long time that I think the girls will appreciate now.... even sleeping in my own bed all by myself was a little lonely last night. It overwhelms me, sometimes, just how much those little beings mean to me. Someone asked me the other night if I was interested in dating again. I find it hard to imagine I could ever meet someone for whom my feelings could ever come close to matching those of my little wonders.
Well, you're healthier than me, dear: I can't imagine even WANTING another adult in our lives (except for a few notable occasions here and there, most of them times of great stress.) How great, though, that the kids could go hang with your folks--how great that you could spend some time knocking around. (Even if you spent it missing them!)
Happy back-to-school! Everybody doing well?
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