Location: Minneapolis, MN

Single mother of three girls - one biological (via IVF) and two adopted.

Monday, October 09, 2006


I just got off the phone with my mother. She lives in a nice suburb. Mostly white, but working on integrating. This summer, the house next door to them was sold to a Hmong family. She told me that just the other day, the family was hit with the third act of hate vandalism since they moved in. In July. That's basically once a month. So far, it has all been drive by incidents directed at the cars. The electronics got stolen the first time, the cars were egged the second time, and this last time paint was thrown over them. What motivates people to behave this way? My folks are working to get the community involved to stop what has been happening. But the family doesn't want to "create trouble" for their new community. Most people don't even know that this has happened. I'm sitting here, trying to think of what to say, when all I can do is shake my head. Instead of becoming more tolerant, in so many ways I see our society as a whole becoming less and less tolerant of differences. I just don't understand.


Blogger sjobs said...

I have my theories and one of those tends to reflect our government. I truly believe that the people in power hate and in turn makes for a society of hate and less understanding.

It is so cool having you here.


1:47 AM  

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