Location: Minneapolis, MN

Single mother of three girls - one biological (via IVF) and two adopted.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

It was a really rotten day in the universe.

That's a line from a song, and it was certainly my evening yesterday. My bus didn't come. The second bus (1/2 hour later) was late, so I went and took a different line. I was 1/2 hour late to pick up the girls. Who were bickering over stupid stuff. Went to pick up a prescription that was to be ready at 4:30 (it was nearly 6 by then). It wasn't ready. Got home, checked messages to get a message from a friend whose mother died. My mom called later, and I was telling her this, and she said "well, I'm going to make it worse." My second cousin died (on 12/17). He was a man that my youngest got really close to at the reunion and called Grandpa Dick. We were hoping to visit them sometime this summer. I've decided not to tell her, because I think she's young enough she may forget who he is if we don't talk about him, and then when she's older I'll bring the picture out of the two of them again. On top of it, I woke up at 3 this morning and haven't been back asleep. And I have 4 appointments one on top of the other between 10:30 and 2 today. One is my first grader's choir concert at school. That should be cheering at least. And she looks really cute today.

I guess we all have days like this. Mostly, I feel bad for my little one, because she can't pursue her relationship with "grandpa" dick anymore, and the families of both people who died. There should be a rule about dying during holiday seasons. It's always so much harder. Grandpa Dick's sister's husband died 31 years ago, the 18th of Dec. What tough memories at the holidays.

So everyone out there who may, or even who may not, read this, hugged your loved ones today.


Blogger sjobs said...

Happy New Year Girl.

May 2007 be wonderful to all of us.


6:35 PM  

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